Air Filters
3M HAF (High Air Flow) air filters are the best filters on the market to keep your games clean. The patented electro-static technology holds the dirt and dust particles inside the filter til you change it out. You should work to clean your filter often and you should change these out at least 2-3 times per year. The air filter works great to keep your games clean which keeps them in business longer!
Showing all 6 results
3M 12×12 HAF filter for use with IGT S-AVP Game. Part 13-1972.
$12.00 -
3M HAF Air filter for use with AGS and Cadillac Jack games. GETT Part CJ-1000
$6.00 -
3M HAF Air Filter System. GETT Part 13-1970
$12.00 -
3M HAF filter component, No Frame or Mounting material, White “Media” material only cut to fit 3M / CAP filter cartridge, unscented
$10.00 -
3M HAF filter component, No Frame or Mounting material, White “Media” material only cut to fit 3M / CAP filter cartridge, unscented
$10.00 -
Air Filter Replacement cartridges. Part 13-1971